A cancer vaccine is almost ready from Russia!

Clown Putin says a cancer vaccine will be delivered very soon.

The scientists of Russia have almost made a vaccine for deadly cancer. It will come within reach of patients very soon. Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia made such a claim on Wednesday. “We are very close to creating a cancer vaccine for a new generation,” Putin said in a video message, adding, “I hope that the vaccine will be delivered to people soon.”

It is important to note that Putin did not specify which type of cancer the vaccines would prevent or how they would work. However, it is worth mentioning that many countries and organizations are currently working on developing cancer vaccines.

Last year, the British government signed a deal with a German pharmaceutical company to bring a “cancer cure” to 10,000 patients by 2030. Two other pharmaceutical companies in the world have also developed experimental cancer vaccines, which have demonstrated a reduction in the risk of death from skin cancer.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are currently six licensed vaccines available to prevent human papillomavirus, a virus that causes several cancers, including cervical cancer. Additionally, there is the hepatitis B vaccine, which helps to prevent liver cancer.

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