19 year old male was admitted 6h after the deliberate ingestion of the contents of a half bottle(300ml) of weedkiller named Dallas contents of which were 59% w/w 2,4-D acid tech,30% w/w Di-methylamine. Soon after ingestion the patient gave history of vomiting, after which patient became unconscious.
On examination, RR was 35/min with a saturation of 90% on room air requiring 5-6L/min of oxygen. The pupils were small, 1.5mm in diameter, reactive. Arterial blood analysis showed mild Metabolic acidosis. Gastric aspiration and lavage were performed. Patient was unresponsive to deep painful stimulus. He was sweating profusely with a temperature of 39degree Celsius. Patient was electively intubated for airway protection.
Author(s) Details:
Manjiri Naik,
Department of Medicine, MGM Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad, India.
Shamisha Khade,
Department of Medicine, MGM Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad, India.