Chaos Theory is a Branch of Mathematics Concentrating on the Study of Chaos and is an Interdisciplinary Theory: A Part from The Book: The Paradigm of Complex Probability, Numerical Analysis, and Chaos Theory

Chaos theory is a branch of mathematics concentrating on the study of chaos and is an interdisciplinary theory. In fact, chaos theory deals with dynamical systems whose apparently random states of irregularities and disorder are actually ruled by deterministic laws and underlying patterns that are extremely sensitive to initial conditions [6-8]. The theory of chaos affirms that within the chaotic complex systems’ apparent randomness, there are underlying interconnectedness, patterns, self-similarity, fractals, repetition, self-organization and constant feedback loops. An underlying principle of chaos which is the butterfly effect, illustrates how a small change in one state of a system which is nonlinear and deterministic can lead to large differences in a later state, which means that this system is highly sensitive and tremendously dependent on initial conditions. A metaphor for this butterfly effect and behavior, is that a tornado in Texas can be caused by a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil.

Author(s) Details:

Abdo Abou Jaoudé,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Notre Dame University-Louaize, Lebanon.

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