Why does migraine pain increase in winter? What are the ways to stay healthy?

Migraine problems can occur even if the amount of water in the body decreases. But whatever the cause, there are a few things you can do to stay healthy when winter migraines get worse.

Any physical problem comes to a head in winter. Migraines are no exception. Rather, the problem of migraine becomes exaggerated in winter. There are several reasons behind this. One of them is climate change. The effect of the change of season is also great on the body. It is also a reason to suffer from migraine pain in winter. Doctors forbid applying cold if you have migraine problem. Again, this problem can occur even if the amount of water in the body decreases. But whatever the cause, there are a few things you can do to stay healthy when winter migraines get worse.

1) Migraines are mainly caused by cold. So you have to make arrangements so that you don’t get cold. Cover your ears and head when going out.
2) Migraine pain can increase even if you don’t get enough sleep at night. Try to sleep at night. If you sleep well, you can stay healthy.
3) It is important to eat food on time. An empty stomach may worsen the pain. In case of migraine, one should eat around the clock. Only then can you stay healthy.
4) Drink more water. Dehydration can cause migraines. Drink more water to stay fit. Also, eliminate the habit of drinking coffee, tea and alcohol frequently. Smoking should also be reduced.
5) In winter, the chance of getting vitamin D decreases a lot. It is also a cause of migraine pain. So eat more foods that have vitamin D.

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