Daily Face Scrubs: Harmful or Helpful?

It is important to wash your face with a face wash to remove dust and dirt from the skin’s surface. However, this doesn’t always remove dead or dry skin. To revive lifeless skin, it is recommended to exfoliate your skin every two days. Exfoliators or scrubbers are great for removing dirt, dead skin cells, and dry skin. Dermatologists agree that they are important in the world of cosmetics, but they may not be suitable for all skin types. There are some rules to follow when using scrubs or exfoliators. Using them too often can damage the skin, so it’s important to know how to use them properly.

Why use a scrub?

1) Scrubs are used to clean the outer layer of the skin and remove dirt and dead cells.
2) Scrubs also can remove oil and blackheads that accumulated in the open pores of our face.
3) Exfoliators or scrubbers encourage the formation of new skin cells. This cosmetic also has a role in bringing back the glow of your skin.

When can scrubbing be harmful to the skin?

1) Scrubbing is good for removing dead cells, but using scrubs too often can strip the skin of its natural oils, causing it to become excessively dry and sensitive.
2) Regularly rubbing the hard grains of the scrubber can make the skin excessively dry, especially if it’s exposed to direct sunlight. This may increase the risk of damage.
3) If the skin has eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, rash, or acne, using a scrub can be harmful. It’s better to consult a doctor in this case.

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