Does a little exercise relieve depression?

Exercise can relieve mental depression. Even after various other treatments, exercise can eventually cure the problem. A study was recently published in the journal BMJ. There, exercise is said to be one of the treatments for depression. According to the researchers, even a little exercise can be very beneficial during this time.

What does the researcher say?

The main researcher of this study Mitchell Noetel claimed that one in ten people in the world is currently suffering from depression. Not only that, People with severe forms of depression generally need to be treated with medication. According to psychology professor Mitchell, depression is worse than debt, diabetes or divorce.

What is known in the study?

Along with medication and therapy, exercise can be very beneficial to manage depression, researchers say. 14,170 people participated in this study. Their depressive symptoms and activity were analyzed using a network meta-analysis method. This method compared the effects of different types of exercise. Which exercise is more beneficial in reducing fatigue was investigated.

Running, exercising or dancing

According to researchers, any exercise is very effective in reducing depression (Depression Remedies). It has been found that a little jogging or home exercise goes a long way in reducing fatigue and even a little dance can relieve depression. How effective are these exercises? According to Mitchell, psychologists take the help of cognitive behavior therapy to eliminate mental fatigue.

Valuable suggestion of the researcher

In addition to reporting the results of the research, the main researcher highlighted another important aspect. According to them, exercise is very effective as per the statistics. However, before deciding to start exercise you should first visit a psychiatrist. He will monitor your state of mind and tell exactly what will be right for you at that moment. Because even if you start exercising often, it is important to do it regularly. It requires a regular monitoring. However, the doctor says that if you are doing exercise along with taking therapy and antidepressant drugs, the condition will improve quickly.

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