The Moisture Content of Flowers and Foliage Must be Maintained to Keep Them for Longer Periods : A Part from the Book Chapter : Preservation of Ornamental Parts of Plant by Reducing Moisture Content

The moisture content of flowers and foliage must be maintained to keep them for longer periods as well as prevent them from brittleness and fragility after drying. Before ensuring the drying technique, the level of moisture content should be determined for different flowers. The best preservation of flowers through the drying technique requires a moisture range between 8-11.5 percent in keeping their firmness, quality and longevity more in comparison to below or above this range. In natural storage, reducing moisture content in seeds and other ornamental parts of plants is supported by abcisic acid which is produced dramatically when moisture reduces in the cell. So, harvesting tools and techniques is one of the important aspects in preserving the beauty and attractiveness of flowers for the drying industry. The stage and time of harvest are another factor that assists in the drying technique. Plucking or cutting at a suitable stage according to their nature and environmental condition might promotes and stabilizes drying industry and preserve flowers in natural state. It is the best time for harvest when flowers are in the stage of reaching the full bloom stage and foliage is at its peak of the growing season. The dry grasses, seeds, pine cones and most seed heads are harvested at full maturity stage at the end of their growing period. The Commercial harvesting stage of some of the flowers is listed in.

Author(s) Details:

Kamal Kant
Aspee Shakilam Biotechnology Institute, Navsari Agricultural University, Athawa Farm, Surat – 395 007, India.

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Recent Global Research Developments in Optimal Harvesting and Moisture Management for Preserving Ornamental Flowers

Improved Storage Technologies: Research highlights the importance of advanced storage technologies like refrigerated storage, controlled atmospheric storage, and modified atmosphere storage to reduce post-harvest losses of perishable crops, including ornamental flowers [1].

Emerging Postharvest Technologies: A review discusses the use of advanced postharvest physical and chemical treatments such as active packaging, vacuum impregnation, and cold plasma to enhance the shelf-life of fresh produce, which can be applied to ornamental flowers [2].

Optimal Harvesting Time: Studies on ornamental pepper plants emphasize the significance of determining the right time for harvesting to ensure the best quality and longevity of the flowers [3].

Moisture Management Techniques: Research in the field of horticulture has shown that maintaining optimal moisture levels through techniques like misting and humidity control can significantly extend the vase life of ornamental flowers [1].

Biocontrol Techniques: The use of biocontrol methods to manage pests and diseases post-harvest has been found to be effective in preserving the quality of ornamental flowers [2].


  1. Improved storage technologies in post-harvest loss reduction of perishable crops and enhancing food and nutrition security: A review
  2. Palumbo M, Attolico G, Capozzi V, Cozzolino R, Corvino A, de Chiara MLV, Pace B, Pelosi S, Ricci I, Romaniello R, et al. Emerging Postharvest Technologies to Enhance the Shelf-Life of Fruit and Vegetables: An Overview. Foods. 2022; 11(23):3925.
  3. Ornamental Pepper Plant Harvesting: Optimal Time and Technique

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