“Productivity levels of Indian agricultural decline due to climate change, excessive pressure of population on land, unscientific and higher fertilizer consumption, the incidence of various pests and diseases, poor mechanization of farming, land degradation, small land holding, climate change, inadequate irrigation facilities and adequate credit and marketing facilities. The numerous effects of climate change on agriculture production, are making it harder for agricultural activities to provide global food security. Rising temperatures and changing weather patterns often result in lower crop yields due to water scarcity caused by drought, heat waves and flooding”.
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to solve challenges faced by farmers such as climate change, unbalanced fertilizer application, pest and weed infestations that reduce yields. This technology is designed to protect crop yields from various factors such as climate change, population growth, labour issues and food security concerns. AI technologies will reduce irrigation water, pesticide consumption and precise application of chemical fertilizers, and herbicides, maintain soil fertility and help in efficient farming. Al is being used in applications such as weather forecasting and automatic machine adjustment for disease or pest identification. Monitoring crops, irrigation, and pest control using sensors and robots can help save resources, increase efficiency, and improve productivity and quality”.
Author(s) Details:
Samadhan Surwase
Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Manjari Bk., Tal Haveli Dist., Pune 412 307, Maharashtra, India.
Prakash Kadu
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra, India.
Sagar More
Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Maharashtra, India.
Recent Global Research Developments in Pros and Cons of AI Applications in Agriculture
A Study on Pros and Cons of AI Technology Used in Agri-Farming in Tamil Nadu
This study explores the advantages and disadvantages of AI technology in agriculture, focusing on its applications in pest management, data organization, and fostering healthier crop production. It also discusses the high initial investment costs and potential barriers for small-scale farmers [1].
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture: Benefits, Challenges, and Trends
This review article provides a systemic review of the literature on AI technologies applied to agriculture, highlighting the benefits, challenges, and trends in the field. It discusses the use of machine learning, convolutional neural networks, IoT, big data, robotics, and computer vision in agricultural applications [2].
Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
This article discusses the major advantages and disadvantages of implementing AI in agriculture. It highlights the potential for AI to assist in climate-resilient agriculture by helping farmers make informed decisions based on real-time data and predictive analytics, while also noting the high initial investment costs [3].
Machine Learning Applications in Agriculture: Current Trends and Future Prospects
This paper explores the current trends and future prospects of machine learning applications in agriculture. It discusses how AI and machine learning can help in monitoring soil health, detecting crop diseases, and predicting weather patterns, while also addressing the challenges of high costs and technological infrastructure [4].
Artificial Intelligence: How could it transform agriculture?
This article explores how AI could transform agriculture, highlighting ongoing projects that use AI to solve major agricultural challenges, such as disease detection, yield estimation, and crop breeding. It also discusses the potential drawbacks, including high initial costs and the need for skilled personnel [5].
- Mmanida, D. (2023). A Study on Pros and Cons of AI Technology Used in Agri-Farming in Tamil Nadu. ResearchGate. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dr-Mmanida/publication/377729322_A_Study_on_Pros_and_Cons_of_AI_Technology_Used_Agri_Farming_in_Tamil_Nadu/links/65b4add079007454973bff21/A-Study-on-Pros-and-Cons-of-AI-Technology-Used-Agri-Farming-in-Tamil-Nadu.pdf
- Oliveira, R. C. de, & Silva, R. D. de S. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture: Benefits, Challenges, and Trends. Applied Sciences, 13(13), 7405. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13137405
- Hubvela. (2023). Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture. https://hubvela.com/hub/technology/advantages-disadvantages-artificial-intelligence/agriculture/
- MDPI. (2023). Machine Learning Applications in Agriculture: Current Trends and Future Prospects. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/13/12/2976
- CGIAR. (2023). Artificial Intelligence: How could it transform agriculture? https://www.cgiar.org/news-events/news/artificial-intelligence-how-could-it-transform-agriculture