Overweight and Obese Women : A Part from The Book Chapter : Gestational Weight – Smart-phone Calculator: A Case Study of Pregnant Women in India

We observed in our population that women who achieved to have a natural rate of 10% of SGA (small for gestational age) as well as 10% of LGA (Large for gestational age) in term newborns were those with a normal pre-pegnancy BMI (20 to 24.9 kg/m²). This 10% rate of SGA and LGA is indeed a crossing point that we coined “maternal fetal corpulence symbiosis, MFCS”. But considering lean women or on the other side of the BMI spectrum (overweight and obese women), we noticed that we could also achieve also this MFCS point by modulating the gestational weight gain in pregnancies. We have demonstrated 4 years ago that if we take as principle that the optimal gestational weight in term pregnancies (optGWG) is to have “harmonious babies” (Appropriate for Gestational age, AGA) for all women whatever their pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index (ppBMI), this is linear curve (y= ax+b) [1]). Our mathematical linear equation in Reunion Island (French overseas Department in the Indian Ocean, nearby Mauritius island) is: optGWG (kg) = -1.2 ppBMI (Kg/m²) + 42 ± 2kg.

Author(s) Details:

Pierre-Yves Robillard,
Service de Néonatologie, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sud Réunion, La Réunion, France and Centre d’Etudes Périnatales Océan Indien (CEPOI), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sud Réunion, La Réunion, France.

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