Retail Food Delivery : A Part from The Book Chapter : Study on the Effect of Consumer Experience on Food Delivery Apps

Retail food delivery is a courier service in which a restaurant, store, or independent food delivery company delivery food to a customer. An order is typically made either through a restaurant or grocer’s website or phone, or through a food ordering company. The delivered items can include entrees, sides, drinks, desserts, or grocery items and are typically delivered in boxes or bags. The delivery person will normally drive a car, but in bigger cities where homes and restaurants are closer together, they may use bikes or motorized scooters. Consumers and businesses around the globe have been more connected than ever before with the presence of the Internet. Customers can, depending on the delivery company, choose to pay online or in person, with cash or card. A flat rate delivery fee is often charged with what the customer has bought. Tips are often customary for food delivery service.

Author(s) Details:

Nina Farisha,
University of Malaya, Malaysia.

Norhayati Mat Yusoff Mohd Yusof,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.

Irina Mohd Akhir,
Universiti Teknologi Mara (Pulau Pinang), Malaysia.

Suriati Osman,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.

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