Apf Topologies for Elimination of Harmonics: A Part from the Book Chapter: Application of Advanced Filtering Algorithm to Enhance the Power Quality of Photovoltaic System

Due to the switching action of converters and increased applications of non-linear loads, the integrated PV systems do not draw a sinusoidal current at PCC. This non-sinusoidal current may also distort the voltage waveforms and lower the power factor due to the flow of harmonics. APFs basically inject the compensating current or voltage depending upon the way they are connected in the network. This injected current or voltage is in phase opposition with the actual quantity and thus compensates for the harmonics. A number of factors like cost, integration and applicable harmonic filtering standards by the utility, need to be considered for deciding the filter configuration. As per the required applications or the electrical parameter to be compensated, APFs can be employed in shunt or series topology as discussed below.

Author(s) Details:

Md. Ehtesham,
Department of Electrical & Electronics, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Cuttack Campus, India.

Mohmmad Ahmad,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Rajkiya Engineering College, Bijnor, India.

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